Emerald Servers
3rdLife-style PvP world + ordinary PvE world w/out PvP
Worlds: This server is split into two worlds. Both of these worlds are amplified.PvE: The PvE world, which is a pretty standard survival PvE world without PvE. The World Border is 50,000 blocks wide.PvP: The PvP world, on the other hand, is based on the HermitCraft's series 3rdLife. You start with 3 lives, and upon dying three times, you're locked out of the PvP world. Additionally, you start with only 50 claim blocks, and get more claim blocks through playtime, voting, or through killing others, which nets you an 500 additional claim blocks.Additionally, the World Border, which starts at a radius of 25,000 blocks, will shrink to a radius of 500 blocks by the end of each month, at which point it is reset on the first of the proceeding month. Because this server is being released so late into the month, the radius has been set to shrink to a radius of 500 blocks by the end of next month.There is no trading or crafting of lives.DatapacksThe server has five datapacks.1. Datapacks that give you player heads on kill, adds graves, and unlocks all recipes. Courtesy of Vanilla Tweaks.2. A datapack that replaces igloos with Illager Fortresses, courtesy of Ercerus3. A datapack that overhauls the endcities, courtesy of Ichphillipp
Host location
United States
Online players
0 / 500
§aExtremly Network §c[1.7-1.16] §d§l HEMOS VUELTO AL JUEGO!
BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.16.x
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